Meeting documents

Thursday, 15th June, 2017 7.00 pm

 Agenda Front Page 
 Agenda Papers 
 Minutes for this Meeting 
2.Declarations of Interest
3.Minutes – To approve the Minutes of the Meeting of the Cabinet held on the 11th May 2017 
4.To receive any Petitions
5.Leader’s Announcements
6.Part I – Matters Referred to the Cabinet - None for this Meeting
 Part II – Consideration of Reports from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee - None for this Meeting
 Part III – Ordinary Decision Items - Key Decisions Annotated*
 This report presents the outturn revenue position for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account.It also presents the Capital Outturn for the authority how capital works have been financed and a Treasury Management update.In February Cabinet received the forecast based on the third quarter’s position when it was reported that the General Fund outturn was an estimated £117000 below budget. The actual outturn position is almost a balanced position reporting a small overspend of £38000.The Housing Revenue Account was forecasting an underspend of £2644000 against the budgeted deficit at quarter three. The outturn figure reported is £2058000 less than the reported deficit with additional income being the main driver for this position.
 Final Outturn 2016/17 
7.This report seeks to update members and the public on the performance of the Council against its Corporate Plan during Quarter 4 2016/17. This includes information on what the Cabinet has achieved through its decision-making key performance data and consideration of the wider borough picture which impacts upon the Council’s work.The organisation’s approach to the monitoring of its performance against this plan has been revised. Accordingly attached are summary highlights from the online Performance ‘Dashboard’ for each of the Council’s Corporate Plan areas.The report also includes the council’s Annual Report and details of how this will be presented digitally on the Council’s website.
 Annual Report and Quarter 4 Performance Report 2016/17 
8.The primary purpose of the report is to show transparentlyhow contributions are being collected and applied in a properway; that the monitoring of section 106 contribution remainsrobust. This report will reinforce the point that section 106 isan important resource stream and that officers are preparedfor any legislative changes. The report includes details ofnew contributions negotiated; an accounts update fundsreceived from existing agreements and update on projectsbeing funded by section 106 obligations.
 Section 106 Agreements – Annual Report 
9.*Open Space Strategy 
10.*Ashford Borough Draft Local Plan 2030 (Regulation 19) Proposed Revisions 
 In view of the importance and wide-ranging nature of the Local Plan all Members are requested by the Corporate Director (Law & Governance) & Monitoring Officer to consider carefully in advance of the Meeting whether they have any Interests which may require declaration and/or withdrawal from part of the Meeting. This applies to:-
 • Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (if any land owned rented or licensed by a Member or his/her spouse/partner is proposed for any development or use in the Plan) (1) ; and
 • Other Significant Interest (if any proposal in the Plan would significantly affect the value of any land owned or rented by a Member or a Member’s family member or close associate or any employer of any of those persons or any other firm or body with which any of those persons has an appointment directorship partnership management position or significant shareholding) (2)
 Any Members in doubt as to whether the above may apply to them should seek advice from the Corporate Director (Law & Governance) & Monitoring Officer Terry Mortimer (tel. Ashford (01233) 330210 or email or from other Solicitors in Legal and Democratic Services as early as possible and in good time before the Meeting
 (1) Government Guidance on Disclosable Pecuniary Interests is available in DCLG’s Guide for Councillors at
 (2) Other Significant Interests are defined in the Kent Code of Conduct which was adopted by the Full Council on 19 July 2012 with revisions adopted on 17 October 2013; a copy can be found in the Council’s Constitution at
11.The Groundwater and Flood Protection Task Group was set up as a task and finish group to consider how the Council works to prevent flooding in the Borough. The group met four times during 2016 and 2017 and has made several recommendations in relation to flooding. This report responds to those recommendations.
 Ground Water Management and Flood Protection Task Group 
12.The Ashford Heritage Strategy seeks to safeguard and enhance the borough’s cultural heritage assets in a positive strategy for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment. It sets out a series of aims and objectives to safeguard assets increase visibility and sustainably manage and develop the borough’s offer as well as providing an evidence base for the Local Plan to 2030.The strategy was produced with significant stakeholder engagement including a series of engagement workshops and exhibitions. It highlights and explores eight key themes in the borough’s rich heritage as well as highlighting particular case studies local best practice and opportunities to capitalise on the borough’s unique offer.It is intended that the strategy as well as supporting Council documents can provide a useful guide and support for local heritage groups across the borough.
 *Heritage Strategy 
13.The District Deal has been in place for a year. The Deal is an informal agreement between the Borough and County Council’s to improve the way we work together to deliver operational improvements to the complementary services we deliver and strategic projects of importance primarily to Ashford but also county-wide. Now is the time to review progress against the targets set and to consider what areas to prioritise for attention next year.
 *The District Deal 2017/18 
 Exempt Appendix
14.*Disposal of Land at Tilden Gill 
15.Part IV – Information/Monitoring Items
 Local Plan and Planning Policy Task Group – Notes of the Meetings held on 7th April 18th April and 10th May 2017 
16.Ashford Strategic Delivery Board – Notes of the Meeting held on 28th April 2017 
17.Trading and Enterprise Board – Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th May 2017 
18.Joint Transportation Board – Nomination and Membership
 The Selection and Constitutional Review Committee held on the 11th May 2017 recommended to Cabinet that the following Members be appointed to the Joint Transportation Board – Cllrs Bradford Burgess Feacey Heyes (Ch) Mrs Martin Ovenden Mrs Webb. The Cabinet is asked to approve this recommendation
19.To set out the latest Schedule of Key Decisions to be taken by the Cabinet of Ashford Borough Council.
 Schedule of Key Decisions 
20.Items for Future Meetings
21.Part V – Cabinet Member Reports - None for this Meeting
 Part VI – Ordinary Decision Items - None for this Meeting