Meeting documents

Thursday, 7th December, 2017 7.00 pm

 Agenda Front Page 
 Agenda Papers 
 Minutes of this Meeting 
2.Declarations of Interest
3.Minutes – To approve the Minutes of the Meeting of the Cabinet held on the 9th November 2017 
4.To receive any Petitions
5.Leader’s Announcements
6.Part I – Matters Referred to the Cabinet - None for this Meeting
 Part II – Consideration of Reports from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee
 Housing Framework Annual Report 
7.Part III – Ordinary Decision Items - Key Decisions Annotated*
 This paper presents the draft budget for 2018/19 for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account.The MTFP was presented at the November Cabinet meeting at which time Cabinet was asked to note that 2018/19 is the third year of the four year funding settlement which was accepted at the October 2016 Cabinet meeting. The Chancellor of the Exchequer presented his Autumn Budget on 22 November and the report asks Members to approve an increase to the long-term empty homes premium for Council Tax.The draft budget outlined in this report will form the basis of budget scrutiny and budget consultation processes. Overall there is a balanced budget for 2018/19 however there are a number of risks with this projection that are explored in the body of the report. The report also includes the draft Housing Revenue Account budget which incorporates the Housing review proposals and the 30 year business plan assumptions both reports are elsewhere on the agenda.
 *Draft Budget 2018/19 
8.This Council is required to approve the tax base used to calculate the level of Council Tax for 2018/19. It is calculated with regard to the number of domestic properties (including a forecast of new properties) which are then converted to Band D equivalents.The tax base has been calculated at 45680 band D properties an increase of 1008 (or 2.26%) on the current year.
 *Council Tax Base 2018/19 
9.This report provides an annual update to Members on the financial projections associated with the HRA Business Plan. Work has been undertaken to review the cost base of the HRA and model for the life of the business plan. The Plan has been updated to allow for the latest planned maintenance schedule and the approved capital schemes.In addition the Business Plan has been amended to reflect the recent government announcement that with effect from 2020 the four year rent reduction on social housing will end and rents will increase by CPI + 1%Overall the plan remains affordable and there are no significant revisions from the version prepared in 2016 (Cabinet November 2016).A bid has been made to DCLG for an increase in the HRA debt cap and an announcement is anticipated in the near future. Should this be successful this will enable the Council to deliver an additional 108 homes.
 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan 2017 - 2047 
10.Chilmington Green is one of the Council’s corporate priority projects and aligns with three of the corporate plan priorities. Quality is at the heart of Chilmington Green and in order to achieve this a Community Development Strategy is required. Substantial community consultation has taken place with the Strategy amended to reflect this.This Strategy adopts an early approach which aims to ‘educate engage and empower’ existing residents and the growing population and sets a framework for community development activity for a wide range of delivery partners. There is £250k within the Chilmington S106 for community development work. It is proposed that this sum be provided to the Community Management Organisation (CMO) to lead and delivery community development action.
 *Chilmington Community Development Strategy 
11.In the spring budget of March 2017 the Chancellor of the Exchequer introduced a discretionary rate relief scheme for businesses suffering from the impact of April 2017 revaluation of business rates. The government would provide a total £300m fund that would be distributed to ratepayers over a four year period. Approximately 60% of the fund would be distributed in year one (2017/18) with the subsequent years distributing 28% 10% & 2% of the fund respectively. It was decided that the criteria of the scheme should be consulted on with ratepayers and interested parties. This report analyses the consultation and proposes a Discretionary Rate Relief scheme.
 *Discretionary Business Rates Relief Scheme 
12.This report summarises the East Kent Growth Framework (EKGF) 2017-2027 prepared for the East Kent Growth Board by Litchfields alongside an officer working-group from the 6 Local Authorities. The EKGF updates the 2013 East Kent Growth Plan and sets out an overarching strategic approach for identifying investment priorities to achieve long-term economic growth across East Kent between 2017 and 2027.This report describes the four key objectives of the EKGF the 4 critical nationally significant investment priorities and the projects identified within the Borough of Ashford that will address these objectives to have the greatest long-term impact on the growth of the area. The EKGF will be used to feed into the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership (KMEP) and South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) Strategic Economic Plans and support future potential funding bids to SELEP Government programmes and other regional and national funding sources.
 East Kent Growth Framework 
 The new Local Plan to 2030 will replace the adopted Core Strategy 2008 and the other geographically based Development Plan Documents that form part of the Borough’s current development plan except for the Chilmington Green AAP. A draft version was subject to public consultation in summer 2016 and a series of proposed main changes to the draft Plan were consulted upon for 8 weeks this summer. A summary of the representations received and the responses to them are attached to this report.The Cabinet is now asked to approve the final submission version of the Local Plan to 2030 and recommend that the Full Council approves the submission of the Plan for public examination.
 *Submission Version of Ashford Borough Local Plan 2030 
 In view of the importance and wide-ranging nature of the Local Plan all Members are requested by the Corporate Director (Law & Governance) & Monitoring Officer to consider carefully in advance of the Meeting whether they have any Interests which may require declaration and/or withdrawal from part of the Meeting. This applies to:-
 • Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (if any land owned rented or licensed by a Member or his/her spouse/partner is proposed for any development or use in the Plan) (1) ; and
 • Other Significant Interest (if any proposal in the Plan would significantly affect the value of any land owned or rented by a Member or a Member’s family member or close associate or any employer of any of those persons or any other firm or body with which any of those persons has an appointment directorship partnership management position or significant shareholding) (2)
 • Any Members in doubt as to whether the above may apply to them should seek advice from the Corporate Director (Law & Governance) & Monitoring Officer Terry Mortimer (tel. Ashford (01233) 330210 or email or from other Solicitors in Legal and Democracy as early as possible and in good time before the Meeting
 (1) Government Guidance on Disclosable Pecuniary Interests is available in DCLG’s Guide for Councillors at
 (2) Other Significant Interests are defined in the Kent Code of Conduct which was adopted by the Full Council on 19 July 2012 with revisions adopted on 17 October 2013; a copy can be found in the Council’s Constitution at
14.The Economic and Regeneration Investment Board (ERIB) agreed the purchase of 112 Beaver Lane in May 2017. This report updates on the progress for the proposal to convert the property into our second short stay accommodation facility together with details of the necessary budgets.
 *Short Stay Accommodation 
15.This report seeks cabinet support for the introduction of a trial scheme to promote the Civic & Stour Centre as smoke-free grounds. This forms part of the Ashford Health & Wellbeing Board’s work programme which is helping to create a healthy environment for our residents visitors and employees. It supports the council’s welfare initiatives and the Stour Centres wellbeing objectives.
 Smoke Free Civic and Stour Centre Grounds 
16.Part IV – Information/Monitoring Items
 Trading and Enterprise Board – Minutes of 6th November 2017 
17.Ashford Strategic Delivery Board – Notes of 27th October 2017 
18.Local Plan and Planning Policy Task Group – Notes of 3rd November 2017 
19.To set out the latest Schedule of Key Decisions to be taken by the Cabinet of Ashford Borough Council.
 Schedule of Key Decisions 
20.Items for Future Meetings
 E1 Victoria Quarter Development (Jemmett Road) (Paragraph 3)
21.Part V – Cabinet Member Reports - None for this Meeting
 Part VI – Ordinary Decision Items
 That Pursuant to Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of this item as it is likely that in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure of exempt information hereinafter specified by reference to Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act where in the circumstances the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information