Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 26th April, 2016 7.00 pm

 O&S minutes 26.04.16 
 Agenda Front Page 
 Agenda Papers 
2.Declarations of Interest
3.Minutes – to approve the Minutes of the Meeting of this Committee held on the 23rd February 2016 
4.Part I – Matters Referred to the Committee in Relation to Call-In of a Decision made by the Cabinet - None for this Meeting
 Part II – Responses of the Cabinet to Reports of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee - None for this Meeting
 Part III – Ordinary Decision Items
 As part of the budget scrutiny process the committee requested the opportunity to review the assumptions made within the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan and this report presents these assumptions and the impact of these on the future financial planning of the Council. In addition to this report the member training on the MTFP that was given to members in the autumn of 2015 will be run at the meeting.
 Medium Term Financial Plan 
5.An update on the review of the condition and maintenance regimes associated with the Borough Council’s ditches and waterways
 Ditch & Waterway Maintenance Report 
6.Part IV – Information/Monitoring Items
 Future Reviews and Report Tracker