Meeting documents

Ashford Health and Wellbeing Board
Wednesday, 18th October, 2017 9.30 am

 Agenda Front Page 
 Agenda Papers 
 Minutes for this Meeting 
 Welcome and Apologies
2.Declarations of Interest
3.Notes of the Meeting of this Board held on the 19th July 2017 – Note: to be amended to show Chris Morley as present at the meeting 
4.Update on the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board held on 20th September 2017 - verbal update (link to papers) - Navin Kumta
Click to view reports
5.Ashford Health and Wellbeing Priorities:
 At a time when Smoking Prevalence is declining on average 1% per year Ashford has seen a reduction of 8.9% in the last year but is still 1.9% higher than the England average. The rate now stands at 17.4% (previously 26.3%). The One You shop in Ashford has been a huge success and now operates a dedicated weekly stop smoking clinic. There has also been considerable media campaigns that have raised awareness and consciousness about quitting smoking and there is a more accessible and successful pathway to refer pregnant women who smoke into stop smoking services. Some of the initiatives undertaken in 2016 are continuing into 2017 particularly in supporting Smokefree environments such as hospitals parks and school gates. The government has set a national target for reducing smoking prevalence to 12% by 2022 which means Ashford will need to reduce its prevalence by a further 5.4%. An additional target of reducing the inequalities of smoking is perhaps a harder challenge. Smoking still remains one of the main preventable health concerns and is the main theme of the Sustainability and Transformation Plan Prevention workstream which is now setting the framework for a range of health priorities. The proposals in the STP are commensurate with the 2017 Stop Smoking Action Plan for Ashford.
 (a) Smoking – Deborah Smith 
 Obesity is a serious and growing problem. Nearly 770000 people in Kent are estimated to be either overweight or obese. Morbid obesity (BMI 40+) reduces life expectancy by 8–10 years.The impact of this on the Kent health economy is estimated to be over £55m. This is contributed to by 44% of the incidence of diabetes 23% of heart disease and between 7%-41% of certain cancers. In 2011 the Department of Health published Healthy Lives: Healthy People: A call to action on obesity in England. Its ambition is to achieve:• a sustained downward trend in the level of excess weight in children by 2020• a downward trend in the level of excess weight averaged across all adults by 2020Although there has been a slight decline in Adults excess weight in Ashford (from 67.5% in 2012/14 to 66.6% in 2013/15) the data shows an increase in childhood obesity at a local and national level over the last three years. The range of programmes delivered by the Healthy Weight Task and Finish group have identified that access to healthy weight services and interventions is more successful when supported through a model and a brand that the public associate with. This is evident in the success of the healthy weight interventions delivered in or referred by the One You shop.
 (b) Obesity in Children and Excess Weight in Adults – Deborah Smith 
 Report to provide an overview of progress on housing and health a new priority for the Ashford Health & Wellbeing Board.
 (c) Housing and Health – Sharon Williams 
 (d) Diabetes – Neil Fisher (to follow)
6.Presentation from Sense Interactive Ltd on resources fordelivering health & wellbeing messages to local communities.The focus being on resources for fail elderly and carers.
 Presentation: Vulnerable Adults Frail Elderly and Universal 55+ Health and Wellbeing Resources – Julie Thain Sense Interactive 
7.Presentation: Beat the Streets – Debbie Walters Intelligent Health 
8.n Ashford the Local Children’s Partnership Group (LCPG) has a strong local representation from key partner agencies and has identified clear priorities that have been used to commit grant funding and underpin partnership working. These priorities have been aligned to those that young people in Ashford voted for as part of the Kent Youth County Council Campaign: Mental Health Bullying and Curriculum for Life were the ones that got the most votes.
 Presentation: Local Children’s Partnership Group Yearly Update – Helen Anderson 
9.Partner Updates
 (a) Clinical Commissioning Group – Neil Fisher 
 (b) Kent County Council (Public Health) – Faiza Khan 
 (c) Ashford Borough Council – Sheila Davison 
 (d) Voluntary Sector – TBC
 (e) Healthwatch – John Bridle 
 (f) Ashford Local Children’s Partnership Group – Helen Anderson 
10.Forward Plan
 • January 2018 – Housing and Health;
 Ashford Vineyard
11.Dates of Future Meetings
 17th January 2018
 18th April 2018
 18th July 2018
 17th October 2018
 E1 Sustainability and Transformation Plan – Faiza Khan/Allison Duggall
12.To consider passing the following resolution to exclude the public:-
 Under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme members of the public can submit a petition ask a question or speak concerning any item contained on this Agenda (Procedure Rule 9 Refers).
 That pursuant to Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item as it is likely in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure of exempt information hereinafter specified by reference to paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act