Meeting documents

Audit Committee
Tuesday, 21st March, 2017 7.00 pm

 Agenda Front Page 
 Agenda Papers 
 Minutes for this Meeting 
2.Declarations of Interest
3.Minutes – To approve the Minutes of the Meeting of this Committee held on the 6th December 2016 
4.Part I – For Decision
 The attached Letter reports the findings of the Audit of the Councils Housing Benefit Subsidy Claim.Work now complete claim certified and for the second year in a row the claim is unqualified and un-amended.
 Certification of Grant Claims – Annual Report 
5.The Council is required to follow statutory guidance for the publication of its accounts. Each year this guidance is reviewed and updated. This report will look at the impact of these updates on the Council’s accounts for 2016/17. In addition the report reviews on the lessons learnt from the accounts process in 2015/16.The Council has completed a review of its accounting policies that will be used for the publication of the statement of accounts; they are presented in Appendix A.The accounts will be prepared on a ‘going concern’ basis.
 Presentation of Financial Statements 
6.This report is an update of the report considered by the Audit Committee in September last year. It deals with the seven Strategic Risks identified for the Council following a new approach agreed in 2015. This Strategic Risk Register is now more easily produced being part of the information held on the Council’s new software system Covalent (for programme governance and risk management) so Members will note the new presentational format and are asked to endorse this.
 Strategic Risk Management 
7.This report updates on the progress made towards the areas of review highlighted by the 2015-2016 Annual Governance Statement
 Annual Governance Statement Progress on Remedying Exceptions 
8.This report sets out the proposed plan for Mid Kent Audit’s work at Ashford Borough Council during 2017/18. Furthermore it provides an overview of the rage of areas for potential future examination by Internal Audit. It is based on the outcomes of risk assessments and consultation and considers the resources available to the partnership.
 Internal Audit and Assurance Plan 2017/18 
9.Part II – Monitoring/Information Items
 The attached audit plan sets out the planned work to be completed over the coming year by the Council’s external auditors.The Report discusses some of the factors facing the Council that the audits will look to cover in their work program. Members are advised to read the report in conjunction with the reports elsewhere on the agenda that deal with the Councils Strategic Risk Register and the Presentation of the Financial Statements.The report highlights the impact of the Apprentice Levy for the Council this is expected to be circa £50000 and officers are looking at ways of securing funding from the scheme to support the training and development of apprentices.
 External Audit Progress Report 
10.Report Tracker and Future Meetings