The Appointments
Committee exercises the powers of the Council upon:-
determination of the duties associated with any proposed
appointment of a Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service), Director
or Head of Service posts which are to be
advertised externally, including any qualifications or qualities to
be sought in the successful appointee.
The remuneration package and conditions of employment and method of
The shortlisting and interview of suitably qualified applicants for
the posts referred to above.
appoint successful applicants for the posts referred to above
except for the Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service) and the
Director and/or Head of Service posts which are also to be the
Council’s Chief Finance (Section 151) Officer or the
Monitoring Officer.
Further the Appointments Committee
advises the Council upon:-
appointment of a Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service), Director
and/or Head of Service, posts which are also to be the
Council’s Chief Finance (Section 151) Officer or the
Monitoring Officer.