The Selection &
Constitutional Review Committee considers and advises the Council
Suggested revisions to the Council’s
Constitution as referred to it by the Proper Officer.
At the meeting held immediately prior to the Annual
Meeting of the Council in any year:-
The size of the Cabinet (Executive) and the split of
functions between portfolio holders.
With the exception of the Overview and Scrutiny
Committee and the Standards Committee, to recommend to the Council
which other Committees (including Committees etc dealing with Joint
Arrangements and Area Forums etc) should be reconstituted to carry
out the functions of the Council.
To consider the appropriateness of the terms of
reference of existing Committees and the numbers of Members to be
appointed to each Committee to be (re)constituted and whether in
view of the nature of the terms of reference of the Committees to
be (re)constituted the provisions of the Local Government
(Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990 are to apply to
their membership.
The appointment of Committee and Sub-Committee
Chairmen and Vice Chairmen (for those Committees undertaking
Council functions including Committees etc dealing with Joint
Arrangements and Area Forums etc).
The nomination for the offices of Mayor and Deputy
Mayor for the following year.
To consider the recommendations of the Electoral
Registration Officer, the Returning Officer or any Task Group,
Working Group etc established to consider issues associated with
Electoral arrangements within the Borough and to make a
recommendation thereon to the Council (Minute No. 345/11/05
To exercise the powers
and duties of the Council relative to:
The appointment of representatives to serve on other organisations/
outside bodies.