Issue - decisions

Cycling and Walking Strategy

21/06/2019 - Cycling and Walking Strategy

The Portfolio Holder introduced the report which presented a draft Cycling and Walking Strategy.  This provided an overall approach to cycling and walking in the Borough that would help to promote benefits in health, transport and the economy.  The Strategy set out the current picture regarding walking and cycling in the Borough and established over-arching aims and key areas of work.  A delivery plan of key projects based on the key themes was at Appendix 2 to the report.  He said that the Council was looking to

make Ashford a ‘cycle town’ and whilst this would not happen overnight, the Strategy did provide a clear plan for advancement over the next decade.






(i)        the Ashford Walking and Cycling Strategy and Delivery Plan 2019 – 2029 be approved for the purpose of public consultation.


(ii)       authority be delegated to the Head of Culture, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to make minor amendments to the Strategy.


(iii)       the use of £195,000 for the town centre projects as identified in the Town Centre Framework be noted.


(iv)      the funding of £20,000 from reserves for appropriate rural projects as identified in the Delivery Plan and £10,000 for promotional projects be agreed.


(v)       authority be delegated to the Head of Culture and Head of Planning and Development to complete all tasks and to deliver the projects and give effect to the above recommendations.