Issue - decisions

Financial Monitoring - Quarterly Report

20/02/2019 - Financial Monitoring - Quarterly Report

The Portfolio Holder introduced the report which presented the forecast outturn for 2018/19 as at the end of Quarter 3 (31st December 2018). The report covered the performance and forecasts of the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account, with commentary supporting key variances in the body of the report. He also directed Members to the tabled paper which included some amended wording to strengthen recommendation (iii).


Cabinet Members said they strongly welcomed the approval of revenue funding to support service provision at Sk8side for a further two years. They were undertaking crucial work with the Borough’s young people and the level of engagement they had achieved was fantastic. There was also strong support for the release of Section 106 funding to the Tenterden Schools Trust for the provision of a 3G pitch at Homewood School and the amended recommendation.


The Deputy Leader made reference to the pressure of additional planning costs which could no longer be contained within reserves and explained that this was because the Council had committed to robustly defending the rural areas against a number of predatory and inappropriate planning applications. They had been successfully fought, but these did come at a cost.




That    (i)         the forecast outturn position for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account be noted.


            (ii)        the Capital Monitoring and Treasury Management position be noted.


            (iii)       the release of Section 106 contributions of £235,081 to Tenterden Schools Trust for the provision of a 3G artificial turf pitch at Homewood School be approved, subject to the signing of a Section 106 Funding Agreement and a Community Use Agreement between the Schools Trust and the Council.


(iv)       revenue funding of £30,000 a year for two years be approved to support service provision at Sk8side.