Issue - decisions

Church Road, Sevington - Open Space Play Area

21/06/2019 - Church Road, Sevington - Open Space Play Area

The Portfolio Holder introduced the report which sought approval to spend Highways England contribution funding to improve and enhance the play area and open space at the Church Road Open Space Local Nature Reserve.  The funding had been secured as

a result of a compulsory purchase enabling the current highway works at Junction 10a of the M20.  It was proposed to use the provisions to carry out improvements and enhancements, in consultation with local residents, children and families and Mersham

and Sevington Parish Council.  He further advised that the proposals had the support of the Ward Member. The Cabinet agreed to add consultation with the Portfolio Holder to recommendation (ii).






(i)               spending of Highways England funding of £138,343.85 on the project detailed in the report be approved, which aimed to improve the Church Road Play Area and Open Space.


(ii)              authority be delegated to the Head of Culture, in consultation with appropriate Officers and the Portfolio Holder, to complete all tasks and to execute and complete all documentation necessary to deliver the project and give effect to the above recommendation.