Issue - decisions

Financial Monitoring - Quarterly Report

03/12/2019 - Financial Monitoring - Quarterly Report

The Portfolio Holder introduced the report which presented the forecast outturn for 2019/20 based on information available at the end of September 2019. The Quarter 2 projections forecasted a reduction of £17,000 since Quarter 1 with the General Fund deficit now forecast to be £292,000 at year end. A full list of variances since Quarter 1 were shown at a service level. It was anticipated that through tighter financial control, the deficit could be reduced through the second part of the year. The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) was forecasting an overspend of £469,000 for the year with £92,000 being added since Quarter 1. This pressure was largely coming from increased feasibility work in progressing new building opportunities to expand the HRA Portfolio.


The Senior Accountant (LF), agreed to provide a Member with an exact income figure for the investment portfolio detailed in the first table at Appendix A to the report.




That    (i)         the forecast outturn position for the General Fund and the         Housing Revenue Account be noted.


(ii)        the Capital Monitoring and Treasury Management position be noted (including Exempt Appendix C to the report)




That the fees for external printing as set out in Appendix B to the report be agreed.