Issue - decisions

Financial Monitoring - Quarterly Report

03/03/2020 - Financial Monitoring - Quarterly Report

The Portfolio Holder introduced the report which presented the forecast outturn for 2019/20 based on information available at the end of December 2019. The Quarter 3 forecast projected a deficit of £150,000 for the General Fund at year end (which had reduced from £292,000 at Quarter 2 (a reduction of £142,000). This showed that Services had responded well to previously reported budget pressures. A full list of movements since Quarter 2 was shown at Table 2 at a service level. The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) was forecasting an overspend of £452,000 for the year, broadly in line with the Quarter 2 forecast.




That    (i)         the forecast outturn position for the General Fund and the       Housing Revenue Account be noted.


(ii)        the Capital Monitoring update, including Exempt Appendix B, and the Treasury Management position, be noted. 


(iii)       the disposal of the Uprising Youth Vehicle be noted.