Issue - decisions

Ashford Heritage Plaque Scheme

21/06/2019 - Ashford Heritage Plaque Scheme

The Portfolio Holder introduced the report which sought agreement to the establishment

of an Ashford Borough Heritage Plaque Scheme. This was to ensure that noteworthy

individuals or buildings from Ashford’s past, that were not widely known or formally

recognised across the Borough, would have a permanent acknowledgement of their

existence. The scheme would address that invisibility, celebrate those past Ashford

residents and buildings and promote Ashford’s history and heritage to support civic

pride. The Portfolio Holder circulated example photographs of the plaque design which

had been omitted from the report and pointed out that the proposed colour was green, to

personalise it to Ashford and distinguish it from the national blue plaque scheme. He

also thanked Officers for their hard work in bringing this scheme forward.






(i) the establishment of an Ashford Borough Heritage Plaque Scheme,

including the details of the eligibility criteria, scoring and decision

making process and design of the plaque as outlined within the

report, be supported.


(ii) a growth budget of £25,000 (to be taken from reserves) be committed

to allow the scheme to be established


(iii) the Head of Culture, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for

Culture, Leisure and Tourism, be authorised to execute and complete

all necessary documentation to give effect to the above
