Issue - decisions

Parking Charges Review

04/02/2020 - Parking Charges Review

The Leader introduced the report which addressed car parking charges within Council owned/operated car parks. Charges were reviewed on a three yearly basis with the last increase taking place in 2017. The report also described the Council’s ongoing investment in public car parks and sought authorisation for the Head of Community Safety and Wellbeing, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to modify charges as necessary outside of the usual three year review period, for example to promote car park usage, offer discount schemes, and/or to achieve wider corporate economic, community and environmental objectives.


A Member said he had some concerns about the proposed increases for hourly parking and season tickets, which were above inflation. Cabinet Members advised this was mainly due to rounding up and, having not been increased for the last three years, did only reflect a modest increase of 10 pence per hour. The increase in the season ticket charge was only to recover the administrative costs involved in processing and would not be profit making.




That    (i)         an increase in on-street and off-street parking charges be agreed        from 1st April 2020, across the Borough by approximately 10% on           current tariffs (e.g. £1.10 to £1.20, £2.20 to £2.40 etc.) and in       accordance with the specific rates detailed within the report.


(ii)        an increase in season ticket parking charges be agreed from 1st April 2020, across the Borough by approximately 10% on current tariffs and in accordance with the specific rates detailed within the report.


(iii)       an increase in resident parking charges be agreed from 1st April 2020, across the Borough by £5 a year and in accordance with the specific rates detailed within the report.


(iv)      the Head of Community Safety and Wellbeing be authorised, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Wellbeing and the Head of Finance and IT, to modify charges as necessary outside of the usual three year review period, for example, to promote car park usage, offer discounts, and/or to achieve wider corporate economic, community and environmental objectives. This delegation will not permit variation to the base tariffs which will continue to be reviewed every three years and presented to the Cabinet for approval.