Issue - decisions

Brisley Farm and Singleton Environment Centre New Multi-Purpose Community Facility

03/03/2020 - Brisley Farm and Singleton Environment Centre New Multi-Purpose Community Facility

The previous Portfolio Holder for Culture, Tourism and Leisure introduced the report and clarified that Great Chart with Singleton Parish Council, rather than Singleton Spaces, had developed a project to provide a community space for Brisley Farm residents and to increase the classroom capacity at the Singleton Environment Centre due to exceptional demand. Along with the Ward Member for Roman Ward, they had requested that the Section 106 sum of £133,200 originally earmarked as a contribution to the cost of a community centre for nearby Brisley Farm, be used for this project.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing, who was also Ward Member for the Singleton Environment Centre, praised the project and said that this would be excellent for local residents and was testament to what a hardworking and professionally run Parish Council could do for its residents.


The Ward Member for Roman Ward said that this project had been mentioned to her immediately following her election. There had been full and thorough consultation with local residents and they were delighted that there would be a positive outcome from these S106 monies.




That    (i)         £133,200 Section 106 funding be allocated to Great Chart with             Singleton Parish Council to fund the provision of a new      community facility at Singleton Environment Centre as described in the body of the report.


(ii)        the Director of Law and Governance be authorised to execute and complete all necessary documentation to give effect to recommendation (i) above, including a funding agreement with the Trust.


(iii)       the Head of Corporate Property and Projects be authorised, in consultation with his Portfolio Holder, to agree revisions to the lease with the Trust.