Meeting documents

Thursday, 21st February, 2013 7.00 pm

 Decision Notice 
 Minutes for this Meeting 
 Agenda Front Page 
 Agenda Papers 
 Supplementary Agenda 
2.To consider whether any items should be dealt with in private because of the likely disclosure of Exempt or Confidential Information
3.Declarations of Interest
4.To confirm the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 13th December 2012 and the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on the 10th January 2013 
5.To receive any announcements from the Mayor Leader or other Members of the Cabinet
6.To receive any petitions
7.To receive any questions from and provide answers to the public (being resident of the Borough) which in the opinion of the Mayor are relevant to the business of the Meeting
8.To receive consider and adopt the recommendations set out in the Minutes of the Meetings of the Cabinet held on the 10th January and the 14th February 2013 (to follow) with the following exceptions – The recommendations of the 14th February Meeting regarding the item “Budget 2013-14” be deferred for consideration with Agenda item No 9 
9.This report presents the Cabinet’s 2013-2014 General FundBudget and Council Tax recommendations for resolution bythe Full Council. It also presents the full statutory resolutionsincluding the requirements of the Precepting Authorities andParish Councils for the area covered by the Borough Councilas the billing authority.Members attention is drawn to the highlighted note at thebeginning of the attached report. This explains that thedraft resolutions in this report are dependent on formalconfirmation by the Parish Councils. In the unlikelyevent that any decision varies from the assumed positionnotified to the Council it would be necessary to tablerevised recommendations at the Full Council Meeting.Excluding Parish Precepts the Council’s net revenuespending is (1.84)% less than the budget for 2012/13. TheBorough Council’s element of the Council Tax at band D is tobe increase to £145.45 (£140.67 2012/13).On the basis of information available from the PreceptingAuthorities the overall level of Council Tax excluding ParishPrecepts is anticipated to be £1402.65.
 To consider the recommendations of the Cabinet regarding the item “Budget 2013/14” (which includes the adoption of the budget) and the report of the Deputy Chief Executive “Council Tax 2013/14 Resolutions” (NOTE: report will be despatched following the Cabinet Meeting on 14th February) and to determine the Borough Council’s precept on the Collection Fund and set the Council Tax for 2013/14. NB: Members are asked to bring with them the Agenda and report for the Meeting of the Cabinet held on the 14th February 2013 
10.To receive consider and adopt the Minutes of the Licensing and Health and Safety Committee held on the 7th January 2013 
11.To agree the programme of meetings for 2013/14 and 2014/15
 Programme of Meetings 2013/14 and 2014/15 
12.To consider Motions of which Notice has been given pursuant to Procedure Rule 11
 1. “From April the iniquitous bedroom tax enacted by the Coalition Government will begin to destroy the lives of Ashford Borough Council housing tenants. Given the urgency of the situation for residents in all our wards we call on Council to explain clearly how they will utilise the discretionary housing payment in respect of tenants who are in specially adapted or purpose built dwellings to ensure that they do not suffer financially or have to lose their home. Councillor H Yeo Councillor J Adby” This shall stand referred to the Cabinet
 2.To call on Council to ensure that over the course of the next financial year Council works to ensure that all members of staff are paid the living wage which will support the Coalition Government in pursuit of reducing the benefit bill. Furthermore we call on Council to encourage all its partners and local service providers and businesses to pay their staff the living wage. Councillor B Chilton Councillor H Yeo” This shall stand referred to the Cabinet
13.Questions by Members of which Notice has been given pursuant to Procedure Rule 10
 NOTE:- If debate on any item included within this Agenda gives rise to the need to exclude the press and public due to the likelihood of Exempt or Confidential information being disclosed the following resolution may be proposed and seconded and if carried the press and public will be requested to leave the meeting for the duration of the debate
 That pursuant to Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of this item as it is likely that in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure of exempt information hereinafter specified by reference to the appropriate paragraphs of Schedule 12A of the Act