Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 28th February, 2017 7.00 pm

 Minutes of the Meeting held on 28th February 2017 
 Agenda Front Page 
 Agenda Papers 
1.Apologies/Substitutes – To receive Notification of Substitutes in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.2(iii)
2.Declarations of Interest:- To declare any interests which fall under the following categories as explained on the attached document:
3.Minutes – to approve the Minutes of the Meeting of this Committee held on the 24th January 2017. 
4.The Community Safety Partnership works to make the Borough a safer place to live and work and to reduce crime and disorder. Members are presented with the latest strategic assessment information that informs our priorities for the next years. The work carried out by partners during 2016/17 is also presented.Members are invited to ask questions about any aspect of the Community Safety Partnership.
 Community Safety Partnership Annual Update 
5.This report seeks to update members and the public on the performance of the Council against its Corporate Plan during Quarter 3 2016/2017. This includes information on what the Cabinet has achieved through its decision-making key performance data and consideration of the wider borough picture which impacts upon the Council's work.The organisation's approach to the monitoring of its performance against this plan has been revised. Accordingly attached are summary highlights from the new online Performance 'Dashboard' for each of the Council's Corporate Plan areas.
 Quarter 3 Performance Report 
6.Future Reviews and Report Tracker and Topic Selection Flowchart