Meeting documents

Ashford Health and Wellbeing Board
Wednesday, 18th January, 2017 9.30 am

 Minutes for this Meeting 
 Agenda Front Page 
 Agenda Papers 
 Welcome and Apologies
2.Declarations of Interest
3.Notes of the Meeting of this Board held on the 19th October 2016 
4.Live Well Update (Emma Hanson) 
5.Update on Ashford Health and Wellbeing Board Priorities (Faiza Khan)
 Progress has been made on each of the seven actions to support the reduction of smoking prevalence in Ashford particularly aimed at communities where people are most likely to smoke. One of the notable activities that will be accessible to all groups is the opening of a One You shop in Park Mall Ashford. The aim of the shop is to make healthy lifestyle advice and support accessible to people in Ashford. Multi-agency partners are working collaboratively to ensure resources are available to provide the best lifestyle outcomes for people in Ashford.
 (a) Reducing Smoking Prevalence Update Report 
 Ashford Healthy Weight Task and Finish group has now been established and agreed an approach to reducing excess weight rates in Ashford among Children and Adults. A range of targeted actions have been identified under 6 different work-streams which are currently being planned and progressed to include measurable indicators of success. Appendix 1 represents the priority action plan (work in progress) and will include engagement from the local community and a clear Communications plan. This work will continue to be developed by the Task and Finish group and report to the Ashford Health and Wellbeing Board for approval.
 (b) Healthy Weight Update Report 
6.Kent Health & Wellbeing Board Meeting held on 23rd November 2016 (Navin Kumta) – verbal update (link to papers)
Click to view reports
7.This report represents an update for the Board on the current status of the Kent and Medway Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) and the CCG Operational Plan for 2017-2019
 Sustainability and Transformation Plan (Neil Fisher) 
8.Kent faces unprecedented growth and change over the coming decades. Kent Environment Strategy 2015: A strategy for environment health and economy recognises and addresses the challenges and opportunities that this will bring.It is essential that growth is managed intelligently providing much needed economic benefits whilst still protecting and enhancing our natural and historic environment to create and sustain communities that are vibrant healthy and resilient.An associated environmental factor to which this strategy impacts is local air quality. Generally Ashford’s air quality is considered to be ‘good’ however given continued and planned growth within the borough it is important at a minimum to retain that standard. Where possible it should be an aim to reduce the effect of harmful pollutants to minimise public health impacts.
 Environmental Protection 
 (a) Kent Environment Strategy (Carolyn Mackenzie) 
 (b) Air Quality (Trevor Ford) 
9.Partner Updates
 (a) Clinical Commissioning Group – Neil Fisher 
 (b) Kent County Council (Social Services) – Philip Segurola (to follow)
 (c) Kent County Council (Public Health) – Faiza Khan 
 (d) Ashford Borough Council – Tracey Kerly 
 (e) Voluntary Sector – Charlie Fox (to follow)
 (f) Healthwatch – John Bridle 
 (g) Ashford Local Children’s Partnership Group – Helen Anderson 
10.Forward Plan
 April 2017
 • Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
 • Kent Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy (Mark Lemon and Karen Cook)
 • Falls Strategy
 • Focus: Partnership Working (All)
 July 2017
 • Community Networks Yearly Update (Network Chairs)
 • Local Children’s Partnership Group Yearly Update (Helen Anderson)
 • Focus: Sustainability and Transformation Plan (Neil Fisher)
 October 2017
 • Review of the Board’s Priorities (All)
 • Sustainability and Transformation Plan (Neil Fisher)
11.Dates of Future Meetings
12.26th April 2017
 19th July 2017
 18th October 2017
 17th January 2018
 Under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme members of the public can submit a petition ask a question or speak concerning any item contained on this Agenda (Procedure Rule 9 Refers)