Committee details


Purpose of committee

Since 2001 the council has operated under an Executive and Leader system, and since 2007 the “strong Leader” model.

The Executive, comprising the Leader, the Cabinet and certain other parts of the Council’s decision-making machinery, is the part of the council which is responsible for most day-to-day decisions.  The Cabinet is made up of the Council Leader and up to nine other Cabinet Members. These Cabinet Members are also known as Portfolio Holders and they are each responsible for specific functions and/or service areas (known as Portfolios).


Unless the Leader decides otherwise, the Cabinet is responsible for;


·         any Executive functions or decisions which involve a recommendation to the Council including budget and policy proposals.


·         making key decisions on any matter in the Schedule of Key Decisions and included in the budget.


The Cabinet also receives and responds to reports to the Cabinet (Executive) from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Monitoring Officer and the Chief Finance (Section 151) Officer; and recommendations from Council.



General responsibilities

The general responsibilities of all Cabinet Members include:

  • To identify and encourage public participation and consultation ensuring effective communication of council policies and strategies (as contained in the Corporate Plan and other plans) to all members of the council, staff, residents of the borough, partners and stakeholders
  • To promote the objectives of the council as contained in the Corporate Plan
  • To encourage external organisations to work in partnership with the council
  • To develop new policies consistent with the overall strategic approach of the council
  • To encourage an inclusive approach to the development of new or revised policies ensuring that other sections of the council's structure and individual members are able to contribute
  • To establish targets and monitor performance in relation to the council's policies and strategies
  • To speak on behalf of the council
  • To represent the council on relevant external bodies to which they are appointed by the council or Selection and Constitutional Review Committee
  • To request or commission research or other studies on matters of policy or service provision whether external or via other parts of the council's political management structure
  • To refer to the Cabinet any matters with corporate implications
  • To prepare responses to consultation papers issued by the government and other organisations in relation to those functions within the purview of the Cabinet
  • To give guidance on budget priorities
  • To develop proposals for the effective use of land and property in partnership with other stakeholders where appropriate
  • To receive representations from councillors acting in their capacity as Ward Members in relation to the provision of services to residents within their area



The Cabinet Members, and their areas of responsibility, are;


Cllr Noel Ovenden – Leader of the Council

Cabinet Member for Finance and Resource

Special Responsibility for Housing & Homelessness

·         External Role at National, Regional and local level including Joint Working

·         Overall vision, strategic direction & Projects

·         Budget – Revenue & Capital Spend

·         ICT and Digital Services

·         Homes & Homelessness (temporary secondment for 12 months)


Cllr Steve Campkin – Deputy Leader

Cabinet Member for Climate, Environment and Sustainability

·         Carbon Reduction & Net Zero

·         Waste and Recycling


Cllr Bill Barrett

Cabinet Member for Port Health

·         Environmental Health


Cllr Simon Betty

Cabinet Member for Commercial Property & Investment

·         Corporate Property

·         Regeneration Sites

·         Car Parks & Parking Strategy


Cllr Linda Harman

Cabinet Member for Planning, Housing Delivery & Communication

·         Planning & Neighbourhood Planning

·         Building Control

·         Planning Enforcement

·         Oversight of PR and Communications


Cllr Heather Hayward

Cabinet Member for Tourism, Culture, Policy and Performance

·         Policy

·         Town Centre

·         Tourism

·         Art, Heritage & Culture


Cllr Dawnie Nilson

Cabinet Member for People & Services

·         Human Resources

·         Customer Services


Cllr Kate Walder

Cabinet Member for Parks, Recreation and Legal               

·         Land Management

·         Sports & Community facilities

·         Community Safety & Enforcement

·         (Oversight of Legal Services)


Cllr Liz Wright

Cabinet Member for Communities & Health

·         Health & Wellbeing

·         Equality & Diversity

·         Older persons and Ageing well



Deputy Portfolio Holders


Cllr Al Arnold

Deputy Portfolio Holder for Housing & Homelessness

·         Reporting to Leader






Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Servces: Telephone: 01233 330349. Email: