The Trading & Enterprise Board (TEB) has delegated authority to carry out the following functions on behalf of the Cabinet, namely:
a) To monitor and report regularly on high level performance and report on areas of concern to the Cabinet;
b) To receive and consider Business Plans from each Trading Company including any information on profit and loss accounts;
c) To receive and consider any variations from the approved Business Plans;
d) To receive and consider reports on new business initiatives. It is proposed that the Council as shareholder should require each company to submit to the TEB a business plan for each new area of activity and to obtain the TEB’s approval for every new contract outside the approved Business Plans, which the company proposes to enter with an annual value in excess of £25,000 (these values to be subject to review by the TEB);
e) To receive and consider periodic reports on the performance of key areas of business and main areas of business of each company. Such reports will initially be required quarterly in respect of each business area or contract which has been approved or exceeds the values set in paragraph d) above, but these values are to be subject to review by the Committee;
f) To review any significant identified risks of the Companies on behalf of the Cabinet for the purposes of managing those risks;
g) To receive and consider annual budget and capital spending plans for each company;
h) To recommend to Cabinet whether or not to approve any applications from the Trading Companies for:
(i) consents to acquire or dispose of land outside the approved Business Plan
(ii) consents to enter into third party loan agreements
(iii) the transfer of Council assets including land
(iv) the granting of loans from the Council
(v) approval of the Business Plans and variations;
i) To receive and consider quarterly budget monitoring reports from each company ;
j) To assist each company in the exploration of other trading opportunities with a view to achieving greater efficiency;
k) To be responsible for ensuring that the Council’s investment and or assets that may be transferred to or used by the established Trading Companies are properly protected and used for the purposes approved of by the Cabinet;
l) To ensure formal directions of the Council or Cabinet are brought forward to the Trading Companies and agree the basis of implementation by the company; including making changes to the governance arrangements for the Trading Companies;
m) To appoint and remove the Directors of the Companies (subject to the approval of the Leader of the Council)
n) To act as the Council’s (in its capacity as shareholder) nominated body to give all consents and approvals, including those that may be given under the Shareholder Agreement, subject to the approval of the Cabinet in respect of those matters set out in (h) above.
o) To nominate a member of the TEB (subject to the approval of the Leader) to act as the representative of the Council at Shareholder meetings of the Trading Companies.
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