Issue - decisions

Draft Budget 2019/20

11/12/2018 - Draft Budget 2019/20


The Portfolio Holder introduced the report which presented the draft budget for 2019/20 for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account. He advised that the draft budget was in line with the MTFP which was presented at the November Cabinet meeting and would form the basis of the budget scrutiny and budget consultation processes. The budget was based upon a £5.00 (3.17%) increase in Council Tax for Band D properties which would continue to see the Council maintain its position as the lowest in Kent. The report also included the draft Housing Revenue Account budget which incorporated the housing review proposals and the 30 year business plan assumptions. Reports on these two items would be considered later at this meeting.


The Leader said that this Council had a strong track record of delivering a balanced budget year on year and continued to deliver the lowest Council Tax in Kent and one of the lowest in the Country. This was at the same time as being one of the financially soundest Local Authorities in the Country and delivering on this Administration’s pledges which included not only maintaining services, but enhancing them.






(i)               the budget context and risk advice be noted.


(ii)             the draft budget for 2019/20 be approved.


(iii)           the draft Housing Revenue Account budget for 2019/20 (Section 3 of the report refers) be approved.


(iv)           it be agreed that the report be used as the basis for budget consultation with the public, the business community, Parish Councils and staff.


(v)             the draft budget as set out in the report should now be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s Budget Task Group for formal scrutiny.