Issue - decisions

Leisure Procurement

11/12/2018 - Leisure Procurement

The Portfolio Holder for Housing introduced the report as the Member who had taken the lead for the leisure procurement exercise. The report updated on the evaluation process that had been undertaken and asked for an endorsement of the decision to take forward two bidders to the next stage. The procurement exercise, undertaken in partnership with the Ashford Leisure Trust, continued and the report sought approval to agree the much needed capital investment in to the facilities to create high quality modern leisure facilities that would significantly increase participation levels and contribute to the health and wellbeing of the residents of the Borough.


The Leader wished to place on record his thanks to the Portfolio Holder for Housing and the Officers involved for all the work they had put in to this large and difficult task which was now nearing a satisfactory conclusion.






(i)               the progress made to date in procuring a new leisure operator, the timescales anticipated to complete the exercise and the legal framework to support the new arrangements, be noted.


(ii)             the Partnership Board’s decision to take forward two bidders to the next stage of the procurement exercise be endorsed.


(iii)           it be agreed that appropriate Officers undertake all legal and project work to complete the procurement exercise and legal framework.


(iv)           it be noted that whilst the capital investment is planned to be financed from prudential borrowing, the capital financing costs will be met from the net savings to be realised across the lifespan of the contract within the leisure service budget.


(v)             responsibility be delegated to the Director of Finance and Economy, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT and the Portfolio Holder for Housing (as Chair of the Partnership Board and Lead Member) to agree the final level of prudential borrowing, ensuring it is affordable to the Council and covers the necessary risk and resource implications.