Issue - decisions

Adoption of the Rolvenden Neighbourhood Plan

03/12/2019 - Adoption of the Rolvenden Neighbourhood Plan

The Portfolio Holder introduced the report which explained that the Rolvenden Neighbourhood Plan was submitted for examination in May 2019 and the Council had received the Examiner’s report in September 2019. The Examiner’s report recommended that the Rolvenden Neighbourhood Development Plan should proceed to referendum, subject to a number of modifications. On the 7th November 2019, the amended and final version of the Neighbourhood Plan was the subject of a local referendum in the Parish and 89.5% voted in favour of the plan. Following the successful referendum it was now the Local Planning Authority’s responsibility to formally ‘make’ (i.e. adopt) the Plan, which would confer full Development Plan status for decision making purposes. Formally ‘making’ the Neighbourhood Plan must be agreed by Full Council, so this report recommended that the Cabinet endorse the Neighbourhood Plan and asked Full Council to ‘make’ it.




That the Rolvenden Neighbourhood Plan be ‘made’ in accordance with Section 38A(4) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.