Issue - decisions

Conningbrook Lakes Country Park Delivery Works

03/03/2020 - Conningbrook Lakes Country Park Delivery Works

The previous Portfolio Holder for Culture, Tourism and Leisure introduced the report which sought Cabinet endorsement of the proposed delivery plan for the next phase of infrastructure works within Conningbrook Country Park. It also sought authority to forward-fund those works and advised that other related infrastructure projects for the Park were under development.


It was agreed that consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Culture, Tourism and Leisure should be added to recommendation (iv).




That    (i)         the delivery schedule for the Park infrastructure as outlined within     the report be agreed.


(ii)        the use of S106 allocations of £1.625m from the Housing development (H1) at Conningbrook Lakes be forward funded to facilitate the Country Park infrastructure works.


(iii)       the use of 18 smaller Strategic Park S106 contributions that are designated for Conningbrook Lakes Country Park, as they are collected to support further relevant project costs, be agreed.


(iv)       authority be delegated to the Head of Finance and IT, in consultation with her Portfolio Holder and the Portfolio Holder for Culture, Tourism and Leisure, to agree a financial strategy to facilitate the works described in the report, including a maintenance contribution.