Issue - decisions

Fibre to the Premises SPD

04/08/2020 - Fibre to the Premises SPD

The Portfolio Holder introduced the report which proposed adoption of a Fibre to the Premises SPD to provide advice and guidance for applications relevant to adopted Local Plan Policy EMP6 (Promotion of Fibre to the Premises (FTTP)) for the purposes of decision making on planning applications. Adoption had been recommended by the Local Plan and Planning Policy Task Group and the report summarised the comments received following the Council’s consultation on the draft FTTP SPD, detailing the recommended response. He proposed a minor addition to the recommendation to Council to allow for minor editorial changes to be made to the document, and he wanted to particularly thank Councillor Callum Knowles for his previous input on this matter and the Officers involved in bring this forward.




That the responses to the representations received and changes made to the SPD contained within Appendix 1 to the report be noted.




That the Fibre to the Premises Supplementary Planning Document as conatind at Appendix 2 to the report be adopted, with authority delegated to the Spatial Planning Manager, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Development, to make any minor changes of an editorial or clarification nature which in his opinion are required to finalise the document.