Committee details

Appeals Committee

Purpose of committee

The Appeals Committee hears and determines the following appeals:


·         against decisions which relate to any licensing or registration function.  Note this precludes decisions taken in respect of refusal of applications for Sex Shops Licences.  (Minute No. 184/09/03 refers).


·         under the Council’s Grievance, Disciplinary and Managing Redundancy procedures from all categories of employees (save in the case of dismissal of the Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer (Section 151) which is subject to a separate procedure under the 2001 Regulations.


·         made against a decision:-


(i)            pursuant to Part VII of the Housing Act 1996 (Homelessness) where the Act provides for a right to a review of that decision;

(ii)          that the applicant had intentionally worsened their housing circumstances and were not being awarded housing need points;

(iii)         to take possession proceedings (Minute No. 197/9/08);

(iv)         in respect of any decision taken regarding a housing application provided the applicant has undergone a Stage 1 Review (Minute No. 299/12/08);

(v)          in respect of Officer decisions to refuse disabled adaptation works to Council homes (Minute No. 273/12/14).

·         against the non-allocation of National Non-Domestic Rate relief.


·         against a decision relating to the award of Discretionary Rate Relief.


·         To hear and determine any appeal against decisions made pursuant to the Discretionary Housing Payments policy framework, including determination of disputes which arise from decisions to recover amounts considered to have been overpaid.


·         To exclude any appeal in relation to rejection of Expressions of Interest (EOI) (Minute No. 392 (xv)/04/14 refers).



Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services Tel: 01233 330499. Email: